Thursday, April 30, 2009

Poodle Place: Crocker or Crockett - You Decide

Hi All,
One reader recently commented on how well trained Baron must be, because she had not received a Poodle Place e-mail in quite a while. The answer is very simple - I am too tired to write! Of course Vance wishes I was also too tired to talk.

Unfortunately for our heroine (that would be me, in case you forgot), Baron's training is going so well that his personal trainer is guaranteed a lifetime annuity. We are even augmenting his training with agility work, in an effort to redirect his boundless energy. It is not effective.

Here is the update: along with dog training, Baron is continuing with his interest in cooking. Most recently, while I was out, Vance left Baron alone in the kitchen with a sealed container of spicy tomato sauce and mussels (in the shells). When our heroine entered the kitchen, she found an ecstatic puppy (that would be Baron) with tomato sauce on his head, on the counter, floor etc. etc. In addition, there were also remnants of mussel shells scattered about. I was able to remove the sauce from his head, but I am not too fond of the lingering scent. Upon hearing this sad tail, one friend commented that I am lucky he didn't decide to heat up the tomato sauce!

So, dear readers, you get to decide who Baron emulates - Betty Crocker or Davy Crockett?

There is more exciting news from Poodle Place (depending on your definition of excitement), but I have to run. Baron has an appointment with the doggie dermatologist (aka allergist)and we have to get dressed. Baron has already proven that he is fond of the color red, but we will forego the tomato sauce hat.

If anyone has recipes to share with the pungent poodle, please send them to me first so that I can scan the ingredients for allergens.

April 28, 2009

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