Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baron - coming to a bar near you

Here is the newest update from Poodle Place. An emergency visit to the vet today determined that Baron is drunk! I kid you not, Baron is drunk. I can't tell you how difficult this has been for all of us, here at Poodle Place.

Baron ate 1/2 a loaf of whole wheat bread yesterday (no, I didn't offer it to him as Snow White's Wicked Stepmother might have - tempting though it may be). The bread was placed well out of his range, but, not well enough. Today, Baron appeared clumsier than usual and had an upset stomach (I will spare you the details). I took him to the vet, and it turns out that the bread he pilfered yesterday fermented in his stomach causing a range of problems, comparable to drinking beer. I have the only drunk poodle on the North Shore, and he didn't even drink!

In addition to his trainer and groomer, he may need a visit to Alcoholics Anonymous. Stay tuned for details. While having a puppy can be a challenge, I didn't expect him to be this much of a challenge!

August 22, 2008

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