Monday, September 28, 2009

Emily Post for Canines

Hi All,

I am considering sending Baron to etiquette classes rather than dog obedience class. He is obedient when he wants to be, but has difficulty with the finer nuances of proper etiquette. For example, I was heading down the stairs, when who should push past me, trying to beat me to the bottom, but Baron! When guests enter my home they are greeted warmly (perhaps too warmly) by Baron, who almost knocks me down in his effort to hug the new arrival. Actually our guests usually greet Baron before me - maybe they need etiquette classes too!

Does anyone know of etiquette classes for dogs? I wonder what Emily Post is up to these days and if she has branched out. Perhaps there is a canine silver fork class (or is it spoon - hopefully it's not "knife" that would be dangerous in Baron's paws).

So far the plan is for Baron to attend a brief segment of "prep school" at Denise's home. I refer to it as prep school because it prepares him for being around other living beings. I wish Denise and her family luck.


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