Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baron's first yoga class

Hi All,
I am pleased to announce that I "centered" myself and took Baron to his first doggy yoga class. Baron was also "centered" - on the dog next to him. It was a very cute class. Twenty five dogs attended; they ranged in size from the Newfoundland to the bijon. There were golden retrievers, golden doodles, a Brittany spaniel, but only one poodle. I have to give Baron credit - he tried to behave. We prepared for the class by running around outside in the frigid weather; came indoors where I threw a ball and Baron ran up and down the stairs to retrieve it. This game didn't last long, because Baron apparently decided I should contribute to the ball retrieval.

The Yoga class was held in an exercise room on the second floor of a health club. I wish I had a picture of the faces of the people working out, as we all entered the exercise area! The club supplied water for dogs and humans, and each dog received a baggie of treats. With our faithful canines by our side (some were more faithful than others), we did a little yoga. At one point the dog was supposed to be draped over us, but a certain poodle (the only poodle) stood on my stomach and licked my face. We massaged our dogs, which Baron clearly enjoyed. Is there a masseuse in his future (that would not be me)? At the conclusion of the class we all marched around the room to the "Caissons are Marching Along." The dogs then had a brief play time. Baron was, for Baron, awesome.
I hope I will have pictures to share.

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