Friday, October 9, 2009

Baron is going to Camp

Hi All,
Yes, dear readers, it is true - Baron is going to CAMP!!! He leaves on Thursday and I pick him up on Monday. How exciting is that? He can't decide which toys to pack - packing is always a challenge in our family. The trainer suggested I pack his agility equipment, but we decided that was really overdoing it. Of course Baron will arrive at camp with his own food and treats - all carefully selected duck and potato.

Hopefully you know me well enough by now to question my motivation for sending Baron to camp. Maybe not, after all, I am a sucker my curly haired 4-legged gremlin (note the Halloween theme). No, I am not crazy enough to send him to a traditional overnight camp where you sleep in a tent and roast marshmallows. This camp focuses on training. I'll dispense with the euphemisms; it is BOOT CAMP! He is going to stay with his trainer for 3 days; while she has him 24/7, she will work on his behavioral discrepancies (see all of the previous blogs entries for details).

I am so excited about this. Imagine how altered his behavior will be upon his return. He will be a "dream dog" - perfectly behaved. He will no longer snatch the soup ladle as he did last night, and run around the house with it, hoping for a game of "Chase the Dog." He will learn new games, like "sit, stay, come". These are the games that humans love to play, but some dogs (i.e. Baron) balk at.

I will keep you posted on Baron's success at camp. I hope he doesn't get homesick. I would hate to receive a phone call from his trainer asking me to come and get him.
All for now,
Whatever will I write about once Baron is a poster boy for obedience?

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