Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hi All,
Yesterday was quite the day. While exiting my car in Mom's driveway, I felt something nudge me - it was an elderly yellow lab. Why didn't I notice him in the driveway? He was yellow and blended in perfectly with the autumn leaves. Thankfully he had a dog tag with his name (Dizzy - I kid you not), his owner's cell (no, she didn't answer - despite repeated attempts) and his street. When I couldn't contact his owner, I put Dizzy in my car; not easy - did I mention that he is quite overweight? He makes Baron at 71 pounds a light weight. I drove to his street, got him out of the car (also not easy), put Baron's leash on him, and began to look for his house. Silly me - I thought he'd lead me straight home. Nope.
After visiting 10 bushes, three trees and one fire hydrant, I could tell this plan wasn't working (did I mention my intellect?). I started ringing door bells. The woman in the 2nd house asked to see the dog tag and cleverly noticed a street address (did I mention my intellect?)! I brought Dizzy to his own front door, which was answered by a woman who could say 2 phrases in English: "I Babysitter" and "No speak English". This was not helpful, particularly as she wouldn't open the door, so poor Dizzy (and yours truly) was left out in the dark. I pushed the door a bit, exposing Dizzy, who was happily wagging his tail. She looked at him in total amazement, obviously unaware that he had left home and walked one mile (quite slowly, I would imagine) to make a new friend (that would be me). She was also able to say a heart felt "Thank you."
I am happy to report that Dizzy and his Ditzy rescuer are doing well.
That's all,

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