Saturday, March 6, 2010

Baron's girlfriend - Is it Serious?

Hi All,
It is true, Baron has a girlfriend. Her name is Lexi, and she is a chocolate lab he met at the dog park. She is age appropriate, has a good personality (definition: she can handle Baron) and is quite attractive (definition: not overweight, which many labs are). I think this might be a serious relationship because, when Baron thought I wasn't looking, I saw him lick her ears. For the uninformed, ears are erogenous zones for dogs.
Rumors are flying about the happy couple. I took Baron to the vet's office yesterday and informed Sheila, the vet tech (and a Baron fan) about his budding relationship; she requested an invite to the wedding! Baron is not ready to get married and move into the dog house. First of all, he sleeps on our bed (he prefers the pillow). Secondly, he is a traditional male who no self-respecting dog (I dislike the word "bitch") would want to marry. Baron's idea of taking out the garbage is one kleenex at a time! Thirdly, he does not retrieve the paper. I have been too embarrassed to write about this, but Baron's idea of bringing in the paper is ridiculous. To get Baron to accompany me to the front door to retrieve the paper I have to sing the newspaper song (We're going to get the paper, the paper, the paper etc). He trots cheerfully (chuckling behind my back) to the foyer where he plops down on the rug and watches while I retrieve the paper! Our last poodle, Byron, at least accompanied me outside. Baron dislikes inclement weather.
As you can see, the rumors Sheila started at the vet's office are greatly exaggerated. When we paid (a requirement to exit the office), the entire staff was talking about Baron's new relationship. It must have been a slow news day!
That's all for now. Stay tuned for more details of Baron's new relationship.

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