Hi All,
We have a lot to be thankful this year. We are lucky to live the lives we live with the people and pets we cherish. I thought a lot about that on Thanksgiving Day as I brought the cocktail franks to the extra-high table (extra-high to deter you-know-who, but it also deterred anyone shorter than 5 feet). OK, I admit Baron can be a bit of a nuisance, but I am thankful to have such a loving exuberant dog who brightens up when I enter the room. I am not thankful for the beating my Cuisinart has taken; yes, he did it again - the Cuisinart - the entire Cuisinart was, once again in Baron's toy basket.
On Thanksgiving Day, one thoughtful guest brought Baron a gift. As you can see in this photo it is a magician's hat with a rabbit inside. What you can't see is that there are 2 other rabbits in the hat. This is a "thinking" game for Baron, he has to figure out that the one rabbit has company. Not only hasn't he figured that out, he has decided that he is already a magician - he can make our cuisinart disappear (unfortunately)!
All for now. I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and perhaps less frenetic than ours.
Thankfully yours,
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