Monday, August 16, 2010

Lack of Progress Report

Hi All,
Things are not going well at Barklee's School for Barking Boys and Girls.
1)They think Baron is adorable. All of his instructors agree that he is not aggressive. He is simply exuberant and it is only problematic because he is big (71 pounds - remember?).
2)He is very sneaky. One of the assistants brought Baron to the car and he kissed the assistant's face. The gentleman obviously enjoyed the affection. It doesn't help us!
3) He is smart. His IQ is not only higher than mine, but higher than all of his classmates and many of his professors!
Any suggestions?


  1. sorry, can't help all of our dogs have flunked out of multiple "dog schools"! we just wait for them to get older and slower, then claim that that they are well trained..............queengf

  2. Great idea!!! However, I don't think anyone will ever consider Baron well trained!
