Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Terror at the Kid's Park

Hi All,
Here's the good news first - Baron and I are safely home from the kids' park. Now the bad news. After a successful training session with his 5Th trainer (but who is counting?), Baron was meeting his friend, Barkley at the park. We arrived 1st. It is freezing outside, and Baron's faithful attendant (that would be me) noticed she was missing a glove. After trying unsuccessfully to place the leash on Baron (forget the "successful" training session), she carefully (not carefully enough apparently) closed the gate and exited the park to retrieve her glove. This would be unnecessary if Baron did the retrieving poodles are known for (hunting dogs, remember?). After crossing the street, she glanced back and noticed Baron joyfully attempting to follow her. He pushed through the gate and was heading toward the street. A car was coming from one direction, and a truck was approaching from the other. Baron's faithful attendant (that would still be me) unceremoniously screamed and waved her arms, thus getting the attention of the drivers. The driver of the car observed me and the dog, and drove by anyway. Baron is fine and I had only a mild heart attack. Oh yes, I did get my glove - which involved putting the agility leash (and collar - all in one) over his head after a brief tug-of-war. This time he accompanied me - like it or not.

Barkley arrived and I suggested that he might like to have a big brother. I even had a potential sibling in mind (forget the part about my wanting a baby sister for Baron - I'm wiped). Barkley's attendant did not seem enthused about enlarging her family. The 2 dogs (yes, they are dogs) had fun chasing each other. After awhile, Baron came and stood quietly next to me. This never happens when he is playing with his buddies. He even growled at Barkley. He was clearly ready to return home. I wonder if he was traumatized by the excursion? The good news is that I had absolutely no problem putting on his leash, and he accompanied me to the car without an argument.
All for now, I'm exhausted, and Baron is taking a nap.

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