Sunday, May 3, 2009

Doggie Dermatologist Part One

Hi All,

It has taken me awhile to write this because I am still traumatized by my visit to the "doggie dermatologist" aka the allergist. Baron and I drove into Chicago (I did the driving, he navigated) to see Dr. F, the dermatologist. She seems to be a lovely person, but we had nothing in common - you'll soon see why. By the way the I, too, am lovely, just not domestically inclined.

Baron was not allowed to eat anything for 8 hours prior to the visit, which was at 2 pm. Vance fed him at 6 am and then informed me we might have to cancel the appointment. It seems that Baron opened the kitchen drawer which contains the bread bin and helped himself to a bagel. I guess we need child locks (or is it lox?) on the drawers. Dr. F told me about one standard poodle that opened the oven and helped himself to an entire pan of macaroni and cheese. He didn't get burnt - just sick.

Unfortunately, we didn't let a little bagel stop us from meeting Dr. F for the first (and I wish last) time. I expected skin tests leading to allergy shots etc. Not yet. First we start with a new diet for Baron. I anticipated this as well, and was thinking of something wheat free. I had no idea as to what was in store for our happy homemaker (actually, that is not me).

As for Baron's new diet, I had a choice of rabbit and potato or duck and potato. This was a difficult decision because Baron could either catch a rabbit in our back yard, or, since he is a water dog, go to the nearest pond (or golf course) in search of ducks! I selected the duck diet. Dr. F then informed me that he must eat only duck and potato for the next 2 months, and if he should happen to eat anything other than duck and potato, we have to start the diet over. I feel we should have this figured out by the time he is 10!

I asked about treats for Baron. Dr. F, who does not know about my culinary expertise (or lack thereof) actually suggested that I cook a duck for him!!! Does one cook duck or do they broil, grill. or perhaps bake? I am not allowed to make him Special Mommy Eggs. She suggested a particular grocery store on Waukegan and Glenview Road that always carries duck. Dr. F must have noticed the look of horror on my face, because she came up with another option. I could go to Target and for $25 purchase a food dehydrator! I don't even know what a food hydrator is let alone a dehydrator. I could then dehydrate the duck to make lovely wholesome treats for a certain Baron who is beginning to get on my nerves! The only good news is that duck and potato dog food can be ordered by our vet. I don't have to catch and grill the duck or drive to Chicago to pick it up. Nonetheless, this lovely doggie dermatologist will probably insist that Baron eat nothing but fresh duck.

I am visualizing myself in the kitchen with Baron by my side. The duck is happily quacking away, unaware that he has an uncertain future. I find myself panicking - what do ducks eat? Do I have to cook for him (or her)? I almost hope they snack on Barons. Maybe my friend, Debbie, who owns Carlos and Cafe Central won't mind catering.

Sigh - this doesn't bode well.

This is only Part One of my trauma at the doggie allergist's - stay tuned for part two.

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