Friday, August 23, 2013


Hi All,
You may find this hard to believe (extremely hard), but Baron often goes with me not just on errands, but to appointments.  Yesterday we went to my physical therapist, one of Baron's favorite destinations.  He really likes Deb, and doesn't hold it against her that she has a shedding Pomeranian (the dog can't help it).  A new client was in the waiting room, so Baron and I waited outside the door.  A large man entered the hallway, saw Baron and me (mostly Baron) and was noticeably anxious, as was Baron.  I calmly (and cleverly) said, "Good boy, Baron.  Good therapy dog."  The man visibly relaxed, and so did our "therapy" dog.  Fortunately this gentleman did not know that if Baron was actually a therapy dog (for which he has limited potential - see previous blog entries), I wouldn't have to commend him as such.  This was a creative solution to a potential problem.
Creatively yours,