Hi All,
I have been taking the "boys" to a golf course to exercise them safely (or so I thought). Always up to a challenge, they proved me wrong, but this time Baron was not the culprit.
It was 35 degrees out and they ran off cheerfully to chase geese. They quickly left my field of vision. Did they come when called? Do I even have to ask??? We speaking of Baron! He still comes when called if he is in the mood, and he wasn't! Blake, on the other hand, does come when called. He did not appear either. I used my extra loud orange whistle, which usually (note use of word "usually) works. I had a minor panic attack. Could they have gotten hurt? Could they have drowned in the pond? Could they have run to the parking lot or a back yard?
Here is the good news... while myself and daughter love to swim; apparently we are not the only family members who take to the water. When the canine ingrates finally appeared Blake was soaking wet! He was perfectly fine, just wet. Baron was dry and regal. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) Baron is afraid of the water, but not Blake. Cold weather, cold water - he is a survivor.
Guess I will have company swimming this summer.
All for now,
Monday, December 2, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Boot Camp
Hi All,
You won't believe this, but the "boys" are at boot camp! We decided it is time the humans (that would be Master and myself) run our household which was going to the dogs (quite literally). All it took was one small knee replacement (Master's) to motivate us. Baron and Blake wanted to assist in Master's recovery; we prudently decided they could help the most by going elsewhere. We have not seen them for over 2 weeks! We are lonely, but relaxed. I will keep you posted on the re-entry process.
Calmly yours,
You won't believe this, but the "boys" are at boot camp! We decided it is time the humans (that would be Master and myself) run our household which was going to the dogs (quite literally). All it took was one small knee replacement (Master's) to motivate us. Baron and Blake wanted to assist in Master's recovery; we prudently decided they could help the most by going elsewhere. We have not seen them for over 2 weeks! We are lonely, but relaxed. I will keep you posted on the re-entry process.
Calmly yours,
Friday, November 1, 2013
Breaking News
Hi All,
Master is having knee replacement - as we speak. His orthopedist prescribed painkillers - for me! I am to take them whenever Master is a pain. Baron and Blake know something is going on, and their usual exemplary behavior has deteriorated.
More later.
Master is having knee replacement - as we speak. His orthopedist prescribed painkillers - for me! I am to take them whenever Master is a pain. Baron and Blake know something is going on, and their usual exemplary behavior has deteriorated.
More later.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Hi All,
After a several month hiatus, we attended a Poodle Party at the dog park where I originally met Blake. Everyone was happy to see Blake (Baron - a little less so). Blake's foster family was especially excited to see him. They even offered to babysit when we go on vacation! I am sure the generous offer includes Baron.
All for now,
After a several month hiatus, we attended a Poodle Party at the dog park where I originally met Blake. Everyone was happy to see Blake (Baron - a little less so). Blake's foster family was especially excited to see him. They even offered to babysit when we go on vacation! I am sure the generous offer includes Baron.
All for now,
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Rude Awakening!
Hi All,
When we adopted Blake, Laura, his foster mother, told us he doesn't sleep on the bed like her other dogs, but prefers to sleep on the cold bathroom floor. She said all he wants to do is please her. That may have been true - for HER! Well folks, things have changed!
I am not much of a photographer, but you might notice Blake resting quite comfortably on MY pillows which are conveniently located on MY bed (ahem - mine and Master's). Do you see a cold bathroom floor in this picture? I didn't think so - neither did Blake. As for pleasing me? That is no longer his top priority.
All for now, I have to carefully make the bed so as not to disturb Blake.
When we adopted Blake, Laura, his foster mother, told us he doesn't sleep on the bed like her other dogs, but prefers to sleep on the cold bathroom floor. She said all he wants to do is please her. That may have been true - for HER! Well folks, things have changed!
I am not much of a photographer, but you might notice Blake resting quite comfortably on MY pillows which are conveniently located on MY bed (ahem - mine and Master's). Do you see a cold bathroom floor in this picture? I didn't think so - neither did Blake. As for pleasing me? That is no longer his top priority.
All for now, I have to carefully make the bed so as not to disturb Blake.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Hi All,
You may find this hard to believe (extremely hard), but Baron often goes with me not just on errands, but to appointments. Yesterday we went to my physical therapist, one of Baron's favorite destinations. He really likes Deb, and doesn't hold it against her that she has a shedding Pomeranian (the dog can't help it). A new client was in the waiting room, so Baron and I waited outside the door. A large man entered the hallway, saw Baron and me (mostly Baron) and was noticeably anxious, as was Baron. I calmly (and cleverly) said, "Good boy, Baron. Good therapy dog." The man visibly relaxed, and so did our "therapy" dog. Fortunately this gentleman did not know that if Baron was actually a therapy dog (for which he has limited potential - see previous blog entries), I wouldn't have to commend him as such. This was a creative solution to a potential problem.
Creatively yours,
You may find this hard to believe (extremely hard), but Baron often goes with me not just on errands, but to appointments. Yesterday we went to my physical therapist, one of Baron's favorite destinations. He really likes Deb, and doesn't hold it against her that she has a shedding Pomeranian (the dog can't help it). A new client was in the waiting room, so Baron and I waited outside the door. A large man entered the hallway, saw Baron and me (mostly Baron) and was noticeably anxious, as was Baron. I calmly (and cleverly) said, "Good boy, Baron. Good therapy dog." The man visibly relaxed, and so did our "therapy" dog. Fortunately this gentleman did not know that if Baron was actually a therapy dog (for which he has limited potential - see previous blog entries), I wouldn't have to commend him as such. This was a creative solution to a potential problem.
Creatively yours,
Monday, July 29, 2013
Hi All,
I have been out of commission for the past 2 months - between vacation and life with 2 poodles, I didn't have time to update you on the activities of "Batman and Robin" - also known as Baron and Blake.
The good news is that the "boys" are thriving even if I am one exhausted servant - and I do feel like a servant these days. Blake, who we thought had a calming influence on Baron, has turned into an instigator. To quote a human family member returning home for the 1st time since Blake joined us, "I tried to give Baron the attention he deserves, but the Cinnamon Stick (that would be Blake) kept getting in the way." Blake loves attention, particularly if it takes attention away from our oldest canine child, Baron. He also loves prodding Baron into playing with him. As Baron is twice his size, this is rather foolhardy.
All for now, but trust me - ours is an active household. Anyone want a 4-legged curly haired house guest or 2?
I have been out of commission for the past 2 months - between vacation and life with 2 poodles, I didn't have time to update you on the activities of "Batman and Robin" - also known as Baron and Blake.
The good news is that the "boys" are thriving even if I am one exhausted servant - and I do feel like a servant these days. Blake, who we thought had a calming influence on Baron, has turned into an instigator. To quote a human family member returning home for the 1st time since Blake joined us, "I tried to give Baron the attention he deserves, but the Cinnamon Stick (that would be Blake) kept getting in the way." Blake loves attention, particularly if it takes attention away from our oldest canine child, Baron. He also loves prodding Baron into playing with him. As Baron is twice his size, this is rather foolhardy.
All for now, but trust me - ours is an active household. Anyone want a 4-legged curly haired house guest or 2?
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Bath Time
Hi All,
Dear Readers, Blake smells! I know you find this hard to believe - he is a poodle after all. Due to the surgical removal of one of his toys (see previous blog entries for details), he could not be groomed. Unlike Baron, who, believe it or not, prefers to walk around mud puddles, Blake jumps into them! Blake's faithful servant (that would be me) had no choice but to bravely bathe him, despite Master's entreaties not to. It was a beautiful day - 85 degrees and sunny. When Master returned home from work, he wondered why Blake was dripping wet. I simply told him there was a freak shower and Blake was caught in it. Alls well that ends well. Botswain
Dear Readers, Blake smells! I know you find this hard to believe - he is a poodle after all. Due to the surgical removal of one of his toys (see previous blog entries for details), he could not be groomed. Unlike Baron, who, believe it or not, prefers to walk around mud puddles, Blake jumps into them! Blake's faithful servant (that would be me) had no choice but to bravely bathe him, despite Master's entreaties not to. It was a beautiful day - 85 degrees and sunny. When Master returned home from work, he wondered why Blake was dripping wet. I simply told him there was a freak shower and Blake was caught in it. Alls well that ends well. Botswain
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Hi All
I neglected to explain in my last post, that while the adorable teddy bear featured, did not need to be surgically removed; yes, Blake regurgitated it whole (is this fun or what?), the smaller squeaky toy (size of a $1 bill), did require surgical removal. This "rescue" dog may look like a "lamb" but he is a survivor. Actually, you have to admire that about the little guy.
All for now - I am still recovering from Blake's surgery.
I neglected to explain in my last post, that while the adorable teddy bear featured, did not need to be surgically removed; yes, Blake regurgitated it whole (is this fun or what?), the smaller squeaky toy (size of a $1 bill), did require surgical removal. This "rescue" dog may look like a "lamb" but he is a survivor. Actually, you have to admire that about the little guy.
All for now - I am still recovering from Blake's surgery.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
True Confessions
Hi All,
This may come as a surprise to some of you, but Baron and Blake's loyal employee (that would be me) is not much of a cook. Nonetheless, it was a shock to discover that Blake will do anything to avoid a home-cooked meal, particularly if I am the cook. He recently needed emergency surgery to remove a dog toy (squeaker included) which he enthusiastically swallowed. Fortunately the 4 1/2 inch teddy bear (shown below) did not require surgical removal - trust me, you don't want the details.
I am insulted - he prefers eating random dog toys (heaven knows where he got them) to my cooking! By the way, if you are missing this bear, please let me know; I will be delighted to return it to its rightful owner.
All for now,
This may come as a surprise to some of you, but Baron and Blake's loyal employee (that would be me) is not much of a cook. Nonetheless, it was a shock to discover that Blake will do anything to avoid a home-cooked meal, particularly if I am the cook. He recently needed emergency surgery to remove a dog toy (squeaker included) which he enthusiastically swallowed. Fortunately the 4 1/2 inch teddy bear (shown below) did not require surgical removal - trust me, you don't want the details.
I am insulted - he prefers eating random dog toys (heaven knows where he got them) to my cooking! By the way, if you are missing this bear, please let me know; I will be delighted to return it to its rightful owner.
All for now,
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Introducing Toby
Hi All,
Awhile ago I wrote about the loss of "cousin Oliver", a feisty Lakeland Terrior. Today I am thrilled to announce that Oliver's beloved human "mom" has a new Lakeland Terrior - Toby! Toby is absolutely adorable! I visited him (without his canine cousins), and he is handsome and sweet. He has a cute square face and a gentle manner. Of course, he was only in his home for 1/2 hour when I visited, so who know what will happen as he becomes more comfortable? Isn't he cute?
Awhile ago I wrote about the loss of "cousin Oliver", a feisty Lakeland Terrior. Today I am thrilled to announce that Oliver's beloved human "mom" has a new Lakeland Terrior - Toby! Toby is absolutely adorable! I visited him (without his canine cousins), and he is handsome and sweet. He has a cute square face and a gentle manner. Of course, he was only in his home for 1/2 hour when I visited, so who know what will happen as he becomes more comfortable? Isn't he cute?
I can't wait until he meets Baron and Blake (good luck to all)!
To the Dogs!
Hi All,
Do not be mislead by the title of this post. It is not a toast, as in "To the dogs"... It is entitled "To the Dogs" because our house is "going to the dogs" quite literally (see will for details). It is unbelievable - muddy footprints everywhere. Blake, who is adorable, is not as innocent as he appears. He was sitting at my feet, munching on a bone. I looked down and discovered he was munching on the chair. sigh
Baron adores his little brother, and feels quite protective of him. If the dogs are in the car and someone approaches (like a friend of mine), he growls. Blake is a survivor, and can take care of himself.
All for now - too tired to write more. Did I mention that Blake awakens between 4-5:30 am each morning? I had better get to bed.
Do not be mislead by the title of this post. It is not a toast, as in "To the dogs"... It is entitled "To the Dogs" because our house is "going to the dogs" quite literally (see will for details). It is unbelievable - muddy footprints everywhere. Blake, who is adorable, is not as innocent as he appears. He was sitting at my feet, munching on a bone. I looked down and discovered he was munching on the chair. sigh
Baron adores his little brother, and feels quite protective of him. If the dogs are in the car and someone approaches (like a friend of mine), he growls. Blake is a survivor, and can take care of himself.
All for now - too tired to write more. Did I mention that Blake awakens between 4-5:30 am each morning? I had better get to bed.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Introducing Blake!
Hi All,
We did it!!! We adopted a baby brother for Baron. Blake (as in William Blake, the poet) is a small red standard poodle. Due to the circumstances of his adoption, we are not certain of his age. We think he is 4-6 months old. He will not be large, which is fine with Baron, who wants to remain "top dog". He is absolutely lovely, with a sweet, calm (hooray) disposition. He had wonderful foster parents, Laura and Frank, who had him for 2 months, and also fell in love with him. Lucky for us, they already have 4 standard poodles - 2 red and 2 black. You should see them! In fact they just bred their red male for the 2nd time, so if anyone out there wants a red poodle puppy, Baron can you give you a character reference.
Blake has adjusted fairly easily, due to the excellent care he received from Laura and Frank. It has been hardest on Baron, who always wanted a sibling until he had one (sound like any children we know?).
I have to close, but was too excited to wait until I had more time to write. As of now, Blake and Baron are resting comfortably.
Regards to all,
We did it!!! We adopted a baby brother for Baron. Blake (as in William Blake, the poet) is a small red standard poodle. Due to the circumstances of his adoption, we are not certain of his age. We think he is 4-6 months old. He will not be large, which is fine with Baron, who wants to remain "top dog". He is absolutely lovely, with a sweet, calm (hooray) disposition. He had wonderful foster parents, Laura and Frank, who had him for 2 months, and also fell in love with him. Lucky for us, they already have 4 standard poodles - 2 red and 2 black. You should see them! In fact they just bred their red male for the 2nd time, so if anyone out there wants a red poodle puppy, Baron can you give you a character reference.
Blake has adjusted fairly easily, due to the excellent care he received from Laura and Frank. It has been hardest on Baron, who always wanted a sibling until he had one (sound like any children we know?).
I have to close, but was too excited to wait until I had more time to write. As of now, Blake and Baron are resting comfortably.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
A baby brother for Baron?
Baron and I were at Poodle Park today. We were thrilled to learn that Whiskey, an absolutely adorable red poodle puppy, has not been rescued yet. Whiskey is about 5 months old, sweet and very mellow. His foster mother considers him to be one of the loveliest poodles she has fostered (she fostered about 20). In fact, she would adopt him except for the small detail that she already has FOUR standard poodles. Her youngest, 13 weeks old, was a birthday present. Did I mention that we poodle people are exuberant about our poodles? Some are more exuberant than others. Master, for example, was NOT exuberant to learn of Baron's interest in a baby brother, and even less exuberant to learn of my interest. Dear readers, let us know what you think. Baron is not meant to be an only child.
Whiskey's name can easily be changed - Champagne, perhaps?
Sunday, March 17, 2013
In Canine Memoriam
Hi All,
The last 6 weeks have been sad here at Poodle Place. Baron lost his cousin, Oliver, and his good friend, Madison. Both dogs lived much longer than expected due to the love and care provided by their families (remember, one does not really own a dog, one lives with them as family members).
Oliver was a rambunctious lakeland terrier who lived life in his feisty way until the very end. His cute square face held a spark of liveliness and mischief. Madison was a smart, loving standard poodle (not unlike you-know-who). She enjoyed playing with her sibling, Mighty, along with her human family, until her last day. Both dogs were humanely "put down" when their quality of life was threatened. As painful as this decision was, both families knew they were lucky to have these wonderful canine family members in their lives and were particularly fortunate to insure that their dogs did not suffer. Their actions were both courageous and humane.Unfortunately, Madison never sent Baron her picture (perhaps she didn't want him to "get ideas"), but he does have a picture of his cousin Oliver.
With sadness,
The last 6 weeks have been sad here at Poodle Place. Baron lost his cousin, Oliver, and his good friend, Madison. Both dogs lived much longer than expected due to the love and care provided by their families (remember, one does not really own a dog, one lives with them as family members).

With sadness,
In Memoriam
Hi All,
Poodle Place is a microcosm of life and sometimes humor has to take a brief holiday. Baron's beloved human Grandmother died in October. It has taken us awhile to recover enough to write about this loss. Grandmother was a lover of ALL animals (boa constrictors included), dogs in particular. Most recently she had German Shepherds, but always enjoyed a visit from her canine grandson, none other than Baron. Grandmother had Alzheimer's disease and was fortunate enough to live in her own home, which Baron loved visiting. He would run up the stairs, go straight to Grandmother's bed and lick her face until she said "YUCK". There it was - another fan of Baron's expressing herself.
In future blog entries, I will share her sense of humor as it pertains to animals, but for now, "Grandmother, we miss you"!
Poodle Place is a microcosm of life and sometimes humor has to take a brief holiday. Baron's beloved human Grandmother died in October. It has taken us awhile to recover enough to write about this loss. Grandmother was a lover of ALL animals (boa constrictors included), dogs in particular. Most recently she had German Shepherds, but always enjoyed a visit from her canine grandson, none other than Baron. Grandmother had Alzheimer's disease and was fortunate enough to live in her own home, which Baron loved visiting. He would run up the stairs, go straight to Grandmother's bed and lick her face until she said "YUCK". There it was - another fan of Baron's expressing herself.
In future blog entries, I will share her sense of humor as it pertains to animals, but for now, "Grandmother, we miss you"!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Shopping with Baron
Hi All,
Baron was very busy today. He accompanied me to a department store (or should I say "I accompanied him?"). I had observed small dogs happily shopping with their owners and wondered if this could be a case of large dog discrimination. Admittedly these small (as in tiny) dogs appeared to be well-behaved. Some were in cute little baskets. Baron loves accompanying me on errands, but I can't imagine what basket could ever hold 71 pounds of poodle. He especially enjoys it when people make a fuss over him. In fact, I am frequently stopped by admirers of Baron. They comment on how handsome he is; this is true, but it goes to his head. On occasion he actually receives a few compliments on his behavior; obviously these individuals do not really know Baron. Soooo, Baron and I bravely (I was the brave one) shopped at a department store today. He was received warmly by the 4 people who saw him before we were quickly ushered into a dressing room.
All for now,
The department store is still intact.
Baron was very busy today. He accompanied me to a department store (or should I say "I accompanied him?"). I had observed small dogs happily shopping with their owners and wondered if this could be a case of large dog discrimination. Admittedly these small (as in tiny) dogs appeared to be well-behaved. Some were in cute little baskets. Baron loves accompanying me on errands, but I can't imagine what basket could ever hold 71 pounds of poodle. He especially enjoys it when people make a fuss over him. In fact, I am frequently stopped by admirers of Baron. They comment on how handsome he is; this is true, but it goes to his head. On occasion he actually receives a few compliments on his behavior; obviously these individuals do not really know Baron. Soooo, Baron and I bravely (I was the brave one) shopped at a department store today. He was received warmly by the 4 people who saw him before we were quickly ushered into a dressing room.
All for now,
The department store is still intact.
Monday, March 4, 2013
More fun at Poodle Park
Hi All,
I know you are sitting at the edge of your chairs waiting to hear more about Baron's 2 HOURS at Poodle Park with yours truly at his side. Baron decided his new BFF is Ringo, a party poodle. Ringo is a party poodle, not because he likes to party, but because of his coloring. For the unindoctrinated, a party poodle is a pedigree poodle with a "coat of many colors" - at least more than one. You may be wondering why this gentleman is holding Ringo, who is not exactly petite.
I know you are sitting at the edge of your chairs waiting to hear more about Baron's 2 HOURS at Poodle Park with yours truly at his side. Baron decided his new BFF is Ringo, a party poodle. Ringo is a party poodle, not because he likes to party, but because of his coloring. For the unindoctrinated, a party poodle is a pedigree poodle with a "coat of many colors" - at least more than one. You may be wondering why this gentleman is holding Ringo, who is not exactly petite.
As you recall, Baron has a nonverbal learning disability and does not read social cues. It doesn't dampen his enthusiasm for playing with his friends, however. Ringo is demonstrating that he is not a party animal - at least not where Baron is concerned. Not to worry - Baron doesn't hold it against him.
All for now, Botswain
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Poodle Park
Hi All,
I have very exciting news! Baron was invited to a forest preserve dog park, where standard poodles convene on weekends! As you may recall, Baron receives very few social invitations so this was a VERY big deal! Unfortunately, the 2 lovely dogs (and their owner) who invited Baron have not appeared at Poodle Park; perhaps they are too busy, or embarrassed.
Baron spent time playing with his new friends, who come in all sizes and colors. He had a blast. Unfortunately, his nonverbal learning disability remains a challenge for him (and everyone else). After playing at the park for 2 hours, he was extremely tired; in fact he was too exhausted to come when called. The handsome black dog with his ears straight out is none other than Baron at play! Isn't he adorable? Would you like him for a week? Just kidding...
I will fill you in on his further exploits after my nap.
I have very exciting news! Baron was invited to a forest preserve dog park, where standard poodles convene on weekends! As you may recall, Baron receives very few social invitations so this was a VERY big deal! Unfortunately, the 2 lovely dogs (and their owner) who invited Baron have not appeared at Poodle Park; perhaps they are too busy, or embarrassed.
Baron spent time playing with his new friends, who come in all sizes and colors. He had a blast. Unfortunately, his nonverbal learning disability remains a challenge for him (and everyone else). After playing at the park for 2 hours, he was extremely tired; in fact he was too exhausted to come when called. The handsome black dog with his ears straight out is none other than Baron at play! Isn't he adorable? Would you like him for a week? Just kidding...
I will fill you in on his further exploits after my nap.
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