Thursday, January 26, 2012

At it Again

Hi All,
We returned home last night to discover that Baron has, once again, tried his paw at cooking.  Using the lazy Susan, he managed to remove seasoning, soup mix etc from the cabinet.  The floor was a total mess.  He tried to mix everything on the floor rather than using a mixing bowl as he had previously been instructed to do.  Will this dog ever listen?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tuba Serenade

Hi All,
I am living a canine version of "To Catch a Thief"!   Here's the latest.  I entered the bedroom where master was gently snoring  (if you consider the tuba a gentle noise).  Baron was relaxing next to him (on my side of the bed), and immediately looked away, avoiding eye contact.  Translation: he had done something really bad! I noticed that Baron once again tried to blow his nose, hence the Kleenex box was on the floor, along with several pieces of Kleenex.  This didn't bother me, as I recognized Baron's effort to take care of himself - who wants a runny nose?  What else had he done?

Then I saw it - an object between Baron's paws.  Upon closer examination, I discovered it was Master's watch. This was quite a shock! I wasn't aware Baron had learned how to tell time. Dear readers, undoubtedly you understand the conflict: the watch looks great on Baron, but it is not his.  I was forced to do the right thing and return the watch to the bedside table. Master, meanwhile, continued to serenade me, Baron, and perhaps our neighbors with "tuba" music. 
Fortunately the watch is still in good shape, as long as Master doesn't object to spending extra time fastening it.  This episode is our little secret.
And the tuba played on.....