Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hi All,
Thankfully Halloween is but a fading memory (although I still have some Snickers if anyone is interested).  I received several inquiries re: Baron's Halloween costume.  Sorry dear reader, but Baron's Halloween costume was not finished in time for Trick or Treat (not that it stopped him).   Baron wanted to dress up as an "Obedient Dog" but was unable to get his costume ready in time.  We here at Poodle Place are hopeful that it will be ready by next Halloween.  Don't hold your breath.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

Hi All,
Master and I returned home this evening to discover that our home had been invaded!  A bandit actually raided our kitchen.  He (call this a clever assumption) opened a "lazy Susan cabinet" and helped himself to: flour, uncooked pasta, cans of vegetables (which thankfully he was unable to open - he has yet to master the use of a can opener).  I am sure you are wondering who the crook could possibly be - or perhaps you aren't wondering at all.  Yep, Baron strikes again! 
At this point I need Betty Crocker as our dog trainer aka cooking instructor.
All for now, I'm still cleaning.