Friday, May 13, 2011


Hi All,
Great news here at Poodle Place!  Baron's behavior has actually improved!  Isn't that amazing?  I know, dear readers, you had your doubts - so did I.  As many of you know, I have never divulged the true identities of Baron's trainers in order to protect their reputations.  Trainer number 6 has no need to remain anonymous, shocking though that might be.  Her name is Debra Thomas, and she has done one heck of job working with Baron and his beloved handler (that would be me).  Debra even has a web site - she is obviously not technologically challenged as Baron's handler (ahem) is.  Her web site is:
Baron is no longer the 2nd worst in his dog obedience class, although the miniature daschund is still the worst - you just can't tell if he's standing or sitting (that is a daschund for you).  Baron and his beloved handler (that would be me) even received a compliment from the handler of the 2 golden receivers; you remember her, the one who insisted that Baron was not facing forward?  I am happy to report that she noticed the improvement in Baron's behavior and was generous enough to comment on it.
I think Baron deserves the "most improved" award.
All for now,

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Hi All,
Baron and I went for a walk tonight and the most amazing thing happened.  I was able to heel him past 2 huskies who were barking in their yard (fenced-in thank heavens)! A woman (who I didn't see at first) applauded us!!!  Isn't that terrific?  She was walking her dog and saw us successfully maneuver past the diversion.  I told her it's her turn now, but she said she's not ready to take on the huskies.
Maybe Baron's 6th trainer is actually helpful!
All for now,
The trainer for our dog obedience is not applauding us.