Sunday, September 26, 2010

Secret Mission Aborted

Hi All,
I have good news and bad news. I went to the Assisted Living Facility today to visit with Jane and train Tanya. Tanya was gone and already replaced by an older rescue dog. A family of one of the residents saw Tanya and fell in love with her - she has that effect on people. The family adopted her! This is good news for Tanya who did not belong in an Assisted Living Facility. I will miss her but I am stoic.

To recap: above is a picture of Tanya before my best training efforts:

This is a picture of Tanya after a brief session of training. My training worked - she was adopted! Frankly, I was hoping to adopt her despite Master's misgivings, but at least I prepared her for a new family. I hope they like food fights - or at least "bowl" fights!
All for now,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tanya's Training continued

Hi All,
I had a lovely visit at the Assisted Living Facility with Jane (family friend) and Tanya (canine friend-in-need-of-training). The staff at the facility was almost as happy to see me as Jane was. They enthusiastically gave me Tanya's leash and directed me (and Jane) outside where Tanya was playing in an enclosed yard. She wasn't exactly playing, she was trying to get back inside.

In this picture, she had given up on re-entering the facility and was happily tossing her water bowl around.
In the last blog entry you saw a lovely picture of Tanya before I started working with her. Here is a picture of her after I worked with her.

Let me remind you that I am experienced in dog training. I worked with 6 trainers re: Baron (well really only 5 as the 1st one didn't count). I was able to get Tanya to come, sit and stay. Unfortunately when I was hiding in a corner prior to calling Tanya, Jane let her inside the Facility. She eagerly ran around (Tanya, not Jane), found the dining room (not difficult) and was happily eating table scraps when I entered the facility. I was told to demonstrate my training by asking Tanya to come. I asked very nicely, but she was busy.
All for now,
I referred to myself as an experienced dog trainer, I didn't say I was a successful one.

Secret Project

Hi All,

I know I promised part 2 of Baron's Special Day, in celebration of his graduation from Barklee's School for Barking Boys and Girls, but an emergency project has intervened. Not all dogs are as lucky as Baron was to be able to attend such an excellent prep school (note: in this regard, Baron doesn't consider himself lucky). I recently encountered one lovely bitch (and I mean that in the gentlest manner possible) who is not as fortunate as Baron.
This is a photo of Tanya, a lovely American Bulldog mix, who resides at an assisted living facility in our community. Tanya is 6 months old and was donated a month ago, after the last dog, a very old collie was put down.
"What does this have to do with Baron and me?" you might ask. Well, dear reader, Baron and I are advocates for dogs whose bark isn't strong enough to be heard. Unfortunately, Tanya, while adorable, as you can see, has had little training as no one is in charge of her. I found out about her when I went to visit a family friend, Jane, who lives in the facility. It was immediately apparent that Tanya, who was chained to the desk, is clueless about training basics, let alone etiquette. She didn't respond to her name, did not sit on command and, well, you get the picture. In her defense, she had just been spayed, and was chained to the desk to keep her quiet.
As my visit with Jane ended, vowed to return soon to help Tanya. The receptionist was very enthusiastic about my return visit, as everyone is clueless as to how to train Tanya. As you might recall, dear reader, Baron has had numerous trainers prior to Barklee's School for Barking Boys and Girls, and, I felt I had developed a particular expertise which might prove helpful to Tanya.
I will keep you updated.
Why is this a secret? Obviously Master, a major poodle fan (not a bulldog fan) would not approve. Tanya sheds!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baron's Special Day Part I

Hi All,

As Barklee's School for Barking Boys and Girls does not believe in graduation rituals, Baron and I celebrated a day later with some special activities.
The first thing we did was go to the barn to visit I Love Lucy. Lucy, as you can see in this picture is a horse. Baron in uncertain as to whether he loves Lucy, and Lucy for her part is not sure she loves him.

She does love Buddy, the pony. While she is attracted to short men, Baron is just too height challenged for her taste. Here is a photo of Lucy's "love object" also known as "Minny the Moocher."

Actually, he reminds me of Jimmy Durante aka "the Schnoz" but that is dating myself.
Baron, ever the optimist, and oblivious to Lucy's proclivity for Buddy, is sure that she will fall for him (hopefully not literally).
Anyway, this soap opera will be continued. I know, dear reader, you can't tolerate the suspense: will Lucy run off with Buddy or will Baron prevail?
To be continued....

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Baron Graduated!!!

Hi All,
Baron graduated from Barklee's School for Barking Boys and Girls on Thursday!!! Unfortunately there was no "pomp and circumstance" as that is not in keeping with Barklee's policies.
Needless to say, we are very proud of him. Unfortunately, while Baron has graduated, we, his humans, have not. Therefore we will have occasional review sessions to insure that our behavior is a credit to Barklee School.
Baron and I had a special day together in celebration of his graduation, which I will tell you about in upcoming posts. I just had to share the good news first!
All for now,