Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hi All,
I have great news for you!  Baron just received the supreme compliment from the manager of our vet's office - OK, you doubters, I mean veterinarian, not veteran affairs.  She told me Baron is a beautifully trained dog!  No, she was not on drugs when she said this.  She really meant it.  She ellaborated that he is a beautifully trained dog, he just has a behavior problem.
Oh well, no one is perfect (except myself of course).

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dog Obedience Class

Hi All,
Baron's trainer (#6 - # 7 escaped) urged us to enroll Baron in a novice obedience class - one in which the dogs are preparing to compete in obedience trials (readers - stop laughing, it is rude!).  Baron attended his 1st class, and, quite frankly, I was surprised.
The dogs were asked to "stand" (a command he never learned), and Baron stood!  Next, he was asked to "stay".  The handlers (that would be me) were told to drop the leash and walk away.  I did so, and believe it or not - BARON STAYED!!!  Isn't that amazing?  I almost fainted.  He successfully did a "down stay" a "heel", "sit" etc.  The biggest problem was the figure 8.  The dogs are divided into groups of 3.  There are 2 "posts" composed of a dog and handler; the working dog has to walk a figure 8 around the other 2 dogs and handlers.  Baron was fine, but I have no sense of direction.  The woman with the 2 dachshunds had to point so I knew which way to go.  I need a navigator to walk down a hallway.
I was so proud of Baron!  He did a great job.  Baron's personal trainer (#6) is in the class with her dog, and she actually hugged me at the end of the class.  She said I was able to leave my "comfort zone" and attend class with Baron.  The words "Baron" and "comfort zone" don't belong in the same sentence.
Unfortunately, as soon as we entered the car after class, Baron started barking and whining and continued to do so until 5 am!  It was not a good night.  Trainer #6 explained that Baron was merely processing all that he encountered at his new class.  Boy, I can hardly wait for the next class - no sleep in our house!!!
That's all folks.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Potential Trainer Concedes Defeat

Hi All,
I am sure you are all wondering how the initial visit with Baron's potential 7th trainer went.  The answer is simple: NOT WELL!!!  Norman (the potential trainer) greeted Baron calmly and with an open mind.  This was admirable because Baron took an instant liking to Norman.  While we are always pleased when our dog is fond of our guests, we are occasionally displeased at the expression of his pleasure.  Baron tried (desperately) to climb into Norman's lap.  Norman explained to our other guests that this was a compliment; Baron was merely expressing his fondness for Norman.  Unfortunately, one of our guests didn't appeciate the fondness of a 74 pound poodle (and I doubt Norman did).  In fact, when Baron took a liking to her, this guest became frightened and Baron was banished from the room.  While Baron handled his banishment admirably (not a bark out of him), it gave Norman a chance to exit the house without Baron!  Dear readers, you must be surprised and disappointed.  Baron spent yet another night with us - his beloved family.  We spent another night jockeying for position in our familial bed.
Fatiguely Yours,
Trainer #6 is still in the picture.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Baron's 7th Trainer?

Hi All,
This is a great day at Poodle Place.  Norman, a charming gentleman, actually volunteered to be Baron's 7th Trainer (as if he needs another one)! Honestly, he didn't exactly volunteer, he was roped into it.  His granddaughter has a lovely, though rambunctious, chocolate lab. Upon hearing the cost of boarding the lab while the family was on vacation, this intrepid gentleman generously volunteered to board the lab for free!!!  I know, dear readers, you are probably thinking that the lab is his grand dog, hence, family.  Baron is practically family - the kind that visits whether you like it or not.
Unfortunately for our dauntless potential trainer, he shared stories of the lab's good behavior under his tutelage.  Yours truly slyly suggested that perhaps he would like to hone his training skills; the poor  man had no choice but to nod, a sick smile plastered on his face.
You can imagine my enthusiasm at the thought of 10 days in a Baron-free zone.  As this trainer lives alone, there will be more room in his bed for Baron than there is in ours - hence 10 nights of pleasant dreams (for us, not the trainer).  Trainer #7 is in for quite a surprise - he has yet to meet his newest student.  They meet on Tuesday, and Baron is very excited (always a bad sign).
Ah what a wonderful world.
Optimistically yours,
Trainer #6 is still in the picture, as some have questioned Trainer #7's follow through.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Goodish News

Hi All,
Goodish news from Poodle Place!  Baron is actually improving!  He had his "well baby" check up at the vet's, and his behavior was admirable (for him).  He didn't pounce on the annoying cockapoo or the golden retriever.  He maintained his "stay" position until I released him.  The office staff thought I had brought in an imposter!  Frankly, that was a little insulting.  Have they no faith in Baron?  It couldn't possibly be me, could it?
Unfortunately our good day ended abruptly when I made the mistake of taking Baron to the car wash.   He took a liking to an attractive woman wearing a tight black leather skirt and jacket, along with extremely high heels. She began tottering in an effort to regain her balance after Baron established eye contact - as in eye to eye.  Baron is rather tall when he stands on his hind legs. She was a little upset but I thought Baron was being polite:  Aren't you supposed to look at the person you are speaking with?  Maybe it was his breath.
All for now,
Did I mention that Baron gained a pound and now weighs 74 pounds?  It must be all those treats provided by Trainer #6.

Trainer #6

Hi All,
Good news here at Poodle Place.  Trainer #6 is still working diligently with Baron.  She is, however, spending roughly double the time with him that she spends with her other students.  I think it's because he is so gifted that he needs special attention.
I know many of you are curious about Trainer #6, and I offered to take her picture for my blog.  Unfortunately, she was concerned about being identified and refused to pose.  She must be a very private person; this reticence could have nothing to due with potential students identifying her as Baron's newest trainer.
All for now, Baron is reclining on the leather chaise lounge awaiting a walk.